Confidential RSVP counselors are available 24/7

24/7 Emergency Support

If you need immediate medical care or are in danger, please call:

  • On Campus:  314-935-5555
  • Off-Campus:  911

In the moment emotional support, please call:

  • Provident WashU:  314-935-6666
  • SARAH Peer Counseling during the academic year: 314-935-8080

Stalking is a growing problem that can cause extreme fear and safety concerns for victims. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15.2% of women and 5.7% of men are victims of at least one stalking event.

Stalking definition

The definition of stalking provided by the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act is:

Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress.

Note: “Course of conduct” means two or more acts, including, but not limited to acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties​ by any action, method, device or means:

Follows someone else
Monitors, observes, or surveils another person
Threatens another person
Communicates to or about another person
Interferes with a person’s property

“Reasonable person” is defined as a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim; and “suffer substantial emotional distress” means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.

The Missouri Definition of Stalking

Social media

Social media and technology facilitated stalking has allowed stalking to become more prevalent and more covert. Stalking can be a precursor to other violent behaviors and should be taken seriously.

Examples of stalking behaviors include:

Constantly checking Facebook​ status and activity
Watching from afar
Appearing at all or many of the same places
Unwanted letters, emails or gifts