
The RSVP Center uses a public health model and Trauma Informed Practices, Response and Prevention Education to address Relationship and Sexual Violence.


We are committed to affirming, inclusive care and programming and to being lifelong learners in our work.

24-hour services

Available for individuals in immediate need of assistance:

  • Hospital care
  • Reporting an assault to police
  • Emergency housing accommodations

Our collective why

The RSVP Center seeks to help the university move toward its vision, “to discover and disseminate knowledge, and protect the freedom of inquiry through research, teaching and learning.”

Student success

We believe that in order for students to succeed at WashU, and beyond, and for the university to demonstrate good stewardship of the health and well-being of students entrusted to its care, we must address and prioritize basic needs of health and safety for each person. The RSVP Center seeks to embed health and well-being into all aspects of the campus with a specific focus on relationship and sexual violence (RSV).


Our staff understands the nuances of RSV and we offer a specialty care clinic for survivors to allow them to heal and grow. We are committed to providing inclusive and equitable access to support and prevention services to all students. We believe that the effects of RSV are wide-reaching and include the impact on survivors, those who care about them, and the campus community as a whole. RSV prevention is the responsibility of all members of the community.


We utilize trauma-informed, evidence-based prevention work to engage students and other campus partners as stakeholders in addressing RSV. We hope that one day, clinical services will no longer be necessary. We continue to work toward a campus culture in which mutual respect, consent and choice are daily practices.