Confidential RSVP counselors are available 24/7

24/7 Emergency Support

If you need immediate medical care or are in danger, please call:

  • On Campus:  314-935-5555
  • Off-Campus:  911

In the moment emotional support, please call:

  • Provident WashU:  314-935-6666
  • SARAH Peer Counseling during the academic year: 314-935-8080

We are here to help you. At WashU there are a number of ways you can receive help and support if you have experienced relationship or sexual violence.

Your experience and situation are unique and cannot be represented here, but we hope that this information will help you to understand an introductory view of the options that are available and some of what you can expect from each course of action.

Your options

To get a full view of your options and to talk confidentially through how they apply to your situation and needs, schedule a confidential appointment with a RSVP Center counselor or call the Administrative Coordinator: 314-935-3445, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Desired OutcomeRecommended Action
Immediate help or medical attentionCall 911 or WashU Police: 314-935-5555
Medical attentionSeek treatment at a comprehensive care facility, such as Barnes/Jewish Hospital (Barnes/Jewish map) or St. Mary’s Health Center (St. Mary’s map)

A RSVP counselor is available 24/7 to go with you to the hospital or police if you choose

If you are considering a SANE/forensic exam, remember: 

Do not shower, drink, eat, brush your teeth or change your clothes

Seek treatment at a comprehensive care facility, such as Barnes/Jewish Hospital or St. Mary’s Health Center, that has a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), a nurse who has been trained to give specialized medical care for a victim of sexual assault and to gather forensic evidence if desired

A SANE can provide the best possible care and options to you.Having a SANE/forensic exam does not require you to report. Learn what to expect from a SANE/forensic exam.
Investigation through the university or law enforcementReport to the police by calling WashU Police: 314-935-5555

Report to the university by contacting the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office

Contact this office to learn about and discuss your options, even if you are not sure that you want an investigation

Learn about the Student Title IX Grievance Process or the Student Gender Equity Grievance Process.
Talk to someone who is not required to report to the universityContact a friend

Contact a RSVP Center counselor. After business hours, RSVP Center counselors can be accessed through WashU Police or the Sexual Assault and Rape Anonymous Helpline (SARAH)

During the academic year, call SARAH: 314-935-8080 to speak with a sexual assault and rape counselor

During the academic year, call Uncle Joe’s Peer Counseling: 314-935-5099 to speak with a peer counselor

Meet with a counselor, through the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CCPS): 314-935-6666, Option 2

Via the Student Health Portal

If you are on the Medical Campus:
Contact Medical School Student & Occupational Health Services or contact:
Dr. Gladys Smith: 314-362-2404

Contact a member of the clergy
Housing, academic or other accommodationsContact a RSVP Center counselor or call the Administrative Assistant at 314-935-3445

Speak with the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office: 314-935-3393
Confidential, personal information about your options for getting help and reportingRSVP Center counselors provide crisis counseling, personal assistance, and can help you determine what next steps you wish to take 

Email RSVP Center or call 314-935-3445, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
No contact orderEmail RSVP Center or call 314-935-3445, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m

Speak with the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office: 314-935-3393
Order of protectionThe option of obtaining a court order of protection (restraining order) is available 24/7

Orders of protection require an application which must be reviewed and approved by a judge

After business hours, there is always a judge on call

WashU Police or a RSVP Center counselor can help facilitate obtaining an order of protection through the court system