Confidential RSVP counselors are available 24/7

24/7 Emergency Support

If you need immediate medical care or are in danger, please call:

  • On Campus:  314-935-5555
  • Off-Campus:  911

In the moment emotional support, please call:

  • Provident WashU:  314-935-6666
  • SARAH Peer Counseling during the academic year: 314-935-8080

Forensic/SANE exams are done through local hospitals. They can be performed up to 120 hours after the assault. An exam typically takes about three hours. While forensic exams are invasive, they are done to protect you. If interested, a RSVP counselor can accompany you to this exam.

The exam

A forensic/SANE exam consists of three parts.

Initial interview

The initial part of the exam consists of an interview:

The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) will ask you to tell about the assault
The SANE will ask you specific questions concerning details of the assault
It is always your choice not to answer any question or questions about the assault, but the more information the SANE can have concerning the assault, the more thorough the examination can be.

Physical exam

The second part of the exam is a physical exam:

Swabs will be obtained from the pelvic area and a speculum exam is done if indicated. For females, it is very similar to a well-woman exam:
For all genders, this exam may also consist of swabbing with a cotton applicator any other areas of the body indicated in the interview
An alternative light source may be used to look for saliva or semen on the body to obtain swabs from those areas as well
A thorough exam may also require nail clipping, hair samples, and photographs, all of which are completely confidential
If available, the SANE will ask for clothing worn during or immediately following the assault to be sent with the kit as evidence.

Blood and urine collection

The final part of the exam is a blood and urine collection:

If the interview indicates a possible Drug Facilitated Assault, blood and urine samples will be obtained and sent with the evidence kit

Response to sexual assault

WashU’s support team

Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Center

RSVP counselors work directly with students to provide crisis counseling, explanation of options and assistance regarding past or current relationship or sexual violence

After hours, 24/7 emergency are available through the RSVP Center via

  • WashU Police: 314-935-5555
  • SARAH peer counseling during the academic year: 314-935-8080
  • TimelyCare, WashU’s 24/7 virtual care service

WashU Police

  • 314-935-5555
  • 24-hour, 12-month resource committed to assisting survivors of sexual assault
  • If you feel you are a victim of a sex crime on campus, WashU Police is committed to treating you with utmost respect

Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office

Jessica W. Kennedy
Director & Title IX Coordinator

  • 314-935-3118

Cynthia M. Copeland
Assistant Director & Associate Title IX Coordinator

  • 314-935-3411

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

Additionally, Washington University in St. Louis has a collaborative relationship with the YWCA’s on-call Sexual Assault Response Team (SART):

Special arrangements with SART allow confidential assistance and support to the WashU community at local hospitals in the event of sexual assault
The RSVP Center, WashU Police or the Student Health Center can contact SART for you if desire

WashU Police and Student Health Center can respond along with or instead of a counselor from the RSVP Center
If you have not asked to contact SART, many hospitals will automatically contact SART if you disclose the reason for your visit is sexual assault

Know the volunteers serve the hospitals listed and are available to you whether or not you specifically request assistance.
The SART volunteer will meet you at the hospital and offer support and review a range of options and services. One of these services is to provide support during a forensic exam, if you choose.

You can request not to have a member of SART present