Confidential RSVP counselors are available 24/7

24/7 Emergency Support

If you need immediate medical care or are in danger, please call:

  • On Campus:  314-935-5555
  • Off-Campus:  911

In the moment emotional support, please call:

  • Provident WashU:  314-935-6666
  • SARAH Peer Counseling during the academic year: 314-935-8080

It’s important for you to know your reactions are normal and temporary responses to the  abnormal event of relationship and sexual violence. The fear and confusion will lessen with time, but the trauma may disrupt your life for a while.

Some reactions may be triggered by people, places or things connected to the assault while other reactions may seem to come from out of the blue. Remember that no matter how much difficulty you’re having healing from the assault, all of your feelings and experiences are valid.


Talking about the assault will likely help you feel better, but may also be very difficult. In fact, it is common to want to avoid conversations and situations that may remind you of the assault. You may have a sense of wanting to get on with life and let the past be the past. This is a normal part of the recovery process and may last for weeks or months.

Advantages of talking

Can help in the healing process
Can help regain a sense of control over your life
Talking with someone who can listen and understand–a friend, family member, hotline therapist or a counselor–is a key part of the healing process

It’s important to understand you may not be able to function at 100% capacity for a while following a major trauma like sexual assault or relationship violence:

You may have problems concentrating or remembering things
You may feel tired or edgy
You may also take longer to recover from everyday stresses, like when you go back to work or school too early after having the flu

Don’t be too hard on yourself—you need time to recover emotionally and that may detract from your energy for a while.

Ways to take care of yourself

Get support from friends and family: try to identify people you trust to validate your feelings. Spend time with people who know your strengths and positive qualities. Try not to isolate yourself.
Talk about the assault and express feelings: you can choose when, where, and with whom. You can also decide how much or how little to talk about
Use stress reduction techniques: exercise like walking, jogging, biking, swimming, weight-lifting; relaxation techniques like yoga, massage, music, prayer and/or meditation
Maintain a balanced diet and sleep cycle
Avoid overusing caffeine, sugar, nicotine, alcohol or other drugs
Take “time outs”: Give yourself permission to take quiet moments to reflect, relax and rejuvenate—especially during times you feel stressed or unsafe
Try reading: Reading can be a relaxing, healing activity. Try to find short periods of uninterrupted leisure reading time
Consider writing or journaling: This can help you find a way to express thoughts and feelings
Release some of the hurt and anger in a healthy way: Write a letter about how you feel about what happened to you. Be as specific as you can. You also can draw pictures about the anger or hurt you feel as a way of releasing the emotional pain
Get counseling. The Washington University RSVP Center counseling staff and Student Health Services are here for you. Mental health services are part of your health benefits

Used by permission from the UT Counseling and Mental Health Center, The University of Texas at Austin

Additional resources

Anonymous Report Form – Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center
This anonymous reporting mechanism is available to report incidents of sexual harassment, sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking.
If You Have Experienced Relationship or Sexual Violence
You are not alone. We encourage you to seek support. We are committed to supporting you.
Center for Counseling & Psychological Services
An interdisciplinary team offers comprehensive therapeutic services, outreach and prevention programs.